We Stand With Ukraine

Ukranian flag with we stand with ukraine message

Our thoughts and hearts are with the people of Ukraine. We are deeply saddened by the escalating crisis and the innocent people losing their lives, families, and homes. Our business purpose involves a commitment to the betterment of society’s health, welfare, & safety—and right now, that means supporting the citizens of Ukraine in this humanitarian crisis.

We will donate all profits from Premiere Education purchases made between March 5th and March 30th to the following organizations supporting victims of this tragic war.


United Help Ukraine – They are collecting donations to provide life-saving supplies to help protect defenders in Ukraine.

Razom for Ukraine – Their current emergency response is focused on purchasing medical supplies for critical situations like blood loss and other tactical medicine items for Ukraine.

GlobalGiving Ukraine Relief Fund – All donations will support humanitarian assistance in impacted communities in Ukraine and surrounding regions where Ukrainian refugees have fled.

United Ukrainian American Relief Committee – Donations will be used for the purchase of medical supplies and equipment sent to a volunteer network in Ukraine.

Please join us by sharing this message and these organizations with your network.

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